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- __builtin__.object
- BaseSet
- ImmutableSet
- Set
class BaseSet(__builtin__.object) |
Common base class for mutable and immutable sets. |
Methods defined here:
- __and__(self, other)
- Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in both sets.)
- __cmp__(self, other)
- __contains__(self, element)
- Report whether an element is a member of a set.
(Called in response to the expression `element in self'.)
- __copy__ = copy(self)
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Return a deep copy of a set; used by copy module.
- __eq__(self, other)
- __ge__ = issuperset(self, other)
- __gt__(self, other)
- __init__(self)
- This is an abstract class.
- __iter__(self)
- Return an iterator over the elements or a set.
This is the keys iterator for the underlying dict.
- __le__ = issubset(self, other)
- __len__(self)
- Return the number of elements of a set.
- __lt__(self, other)
- __ne__(self, other)
- __or__(self, other)
- Return the union of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in either set.)
- __repr__(self)
- Return string representation of a set.
This looks like 'Set([<list of elements>])'.
- __str__ = __repr__(self)
- __sub__(self, other)
- Return the difference of two sets as a new Set.
(I.e. all elements that are in this set and not in the other.)
- __xor__(self, other)
- Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.)
- copy(self)
- Return a shallow copy of a set.
- difference(self, other)
- Return the difference of two sets as a new Set.
(I.e. all elements that are in this set and not in the other.)
- intersection(self, other)
- Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in both sets.)
- issubset(self, other)
- Report whether another set contains this set.
- issuperset(self, other)
- Report whether this set contains another set.
- symmetric_difference(self, other)
- Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.)
- union(self, other)
- Return the union of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in either set.)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __slots__ = ['_data']
class ImmutableSet(BaseSet) |
Immutable set class. |
- Method resolution order:
- ImmutableSet
- BaseSet
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __getstate__(self)
- __hash__(self)
- __init__(self, iterable=None)
- Construct an immutable set from an optional iterable.
- __setstate__(self, state)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __slots__ = ['_hashcode']
Methods inherited from BaseSet:
- __and__(self, other)
- Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in both sets.)
- __cmp__(self, other)
- __contains__(self, element)
- Report whether an element is a member of a set.
(Called in response to the expression `element in self'.)
- __copy__ = copy(self)
- Return a shallow copy of a set.
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Return a deep copy of a set; used by copy module.
- __eq__(self, other)
- __ge__ = issuperset(self, other)
- Report whether this set contains another set.
- __gt__(self, other)
- __iter__(self)
- Return an iterator over the elements or a set.
This is the keys iterator for the underlying dict.
- __le__ = issubset(self, other)
- Report whether another set contains this set.
- __len__(self)
- Return the number of elements of a set.
- __lt__(self, other)
- __ne__(self, other)
- __or__(self, other)
- Return the union of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in either set.)
- __repr__(self)
- Return string representation of a set.
This looks like 'Set([<list of elements>])'.
- __str__ = __repr__(self)
- Return string representation of a set.
This looks like 'Set([<list of elements>])'.
- __sub__(self, other)
- Return the difference of two sets as a new Set.
(I.e. all elements that are in this set and not in the other.)
- __xor__(self, other)
- Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.)
- copy(self)
- Return a shallow copy of a set.
- difference(self, other)
- Return the difference of two sets as a new Set.
(I.e. all elements that are in this set and not in the other.)
- intersection(self, other)
- Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in both sets.)
- issubset(self, other)
- Report whether another set contains this set.
- issuperset(self, other)
- Report whether this set contains another set.
- symmetric_difference(self, other)
- Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.)
- union(self, other)
- Return the union of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in either set.)
class Set(BaseSet) |
Mutable set class. |
- Method resolution order:
- Set
- BaseSet
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __as_immutable__(self)
- __as_temporarily_immutable__(self)
- __getstate__(self)
- __hash__(self)
- A Set cannot be hashed.
- __iand__(self, other)
- Update a set with the intersection of itself and another.
- __init__(self, iterable=None)
- Construct a set from an optional iterable.
- __ior__(self, other)
- Update a set with the union of itself and another.
- __isub__(self, other)
- Remove all elements of another set from this set.
- __ixor__(self, other)
- Update a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another.
- __setstate__(self, data)
- add(self, element)
- Add an element to a set.
This has no effect if the element is already present.
- clear(self)
- Remove all elements from this set.
- difference_update(self, other)
- Remove all elements of another set from this set.
- discard(self, element)
- Remove an element from a set if it is a member.
If the element is not a member, do nothing.
- intersection_update(self, other)
- Update a set with the intersection of itself and another.
- pop(self)
- Remove and return an arbitrary set element.
- remove(self, element)
- Remove an element from a set; it must be a member.
If the element is not a member, raise a KeyError.
- symmetric_difference_update(self, other)
- Update a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another.
- union_update(self, other)
- Update a set with the union of itself and another.
- update(self, iterable)
- Add all values from an iterable (such as a list or file).
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __slots__ = []
Methods inherited from BaseSet:
- __and__(self, other)
- Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in both sets.)
- __cmp__(self, other)
- __contains__(self, element)
- Report whether an element is a member of a set.
(Called in response to the expression `element in self'.)
- __copy__ = copy(self)
- Return a shallow copy of a set.
- __deepcopy__(self, memo)
- Return a deep copy of a set; used by copy module.
- __eq__(self, other)
- __ge__ = issuperset(self, other)
- Report whether this set contains another set.
- __gt__(self, other)
- __iter__(self)
- Return an iterator over the elements or a set.
This is the keys iterator for the underlying dict.
- __le__ = issubset(self, other)
- Report whether another set contains this set.
- __len__(self)
- Return the number of elements of a set.
- __lt__(self, other)
- __ne__(self, other)
- __or__(self, other)
- Return the union of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in either set.)
- __repr__(self)
- Return string representation of a set.
This looks like 'Set([<list of elements>])'.
- __str__ = __repr__(self)
- Return string representation of a set.
This looks like 'Set([<list of elements>])'.
- __sub__(self, other)
- Return the difference of two sets as a new Set.
(I.e. all elements that are in this set and not in the other.)
- __xor__(self, other)
- Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.)
- copy(self)
- Return a shallow copy of a set.
- difference(self, other)
- Return the difference of two sets as a new Set.
(I.e. all elements that are in this set and not in the other.)
- intersection(self, other)
- Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in both sets.)
- issubset(self, other)
- Report whether another set contains this set.
- issuperset(self, other)
- Report whether this set contains another set.
- symmetric_difference(self, other)
- Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.)
- union(self, other)
- Return the union of two sets as a new set.
(I.e. all elements that are in either set.)
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